Greasy Brothers Inc.

Team: |
Brody |
Captain and art director, Brody is kind of like the glue that holds the team together, only more like the crappy, off-brand glue that you used in kindergarten that could never hold anything together. When Brody isn't bustin’ some sweet dance moves, he enjoys painting by number, widdling, and singing bluegrass tunes at karaoke bars. Personal Motto: Anyone who has a personal motto is a ‘tard.
Brandon |
This is the idiot that agreed to pilot the Rocky Top Rocket on its pathway to destruction….ehhmm…victory.
He also serves as technical director to counter all of Brody's hair-brained ideas. As a recovering adrenaline junky, Brandon never turns down a chance to get his "fix", even if that involves chasing chickens, wrestling Rottweillers or piloting a giant banjo into a muddy river. |
Blake |
Brother # 3 of the Vincent boys, Blake enjoys soft soul music, tight fittin’ shirts and medical terminology
that’s really hard to pronounce. Big Red M.D. as he’s known in the post bachelor, pre-medical world, will
serve as emergency triage doctor for Greasy Brothers Inc. at the Flugtag event. We just haven’t figured
out what to do if he gets hurt.
Brad |
Mr. Moore brings a needed touch of mature responsibility to the Greasy Brothers Inc. team. Brad’s pastimes
include harassing farm animals, keeping up his beard growth, playing with rocks, and bringing down anyone who
has it better off than he does. Watch out ladies, his dance moves are as smooth as his legs…and I’ve felt em’,
they’re smooth. Personal Motto: Ball till you fall.
Luke |
We almost didn’t convince Luke to drop his daily campaign of saving our country from being possessed by Wal-mart's
bouncing smiley face and falling prices, but when he heard cliff diving and chuggin’ Red Bull was involved, he
couldn’t resist joining the Greasy Brother’s team. When he’s not saving the world from corporate greed, transfats and
global warmng, he enjoys growing java fern in his freshwater aquarium and plays a mean game of “Go Fish!”